Tag Archives: Vancouver sun

Those Recent Legal News By Ian Mulgrew

Over the past few days I was reading all these legal news articles on the Vancouver Sun site by Ian Mulgrew and the two articles that kind of got my attention were “Glacial pace of Canadian legal system is an embarrassment” http://www.vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/Mulgrew+Glacial+pace+Canadian+legal+system/10289593/story.html and “Judge’s leniency for repeat crook ill-advised” http://www.vancouversun.com/opinion/columnists/Mulgrew+Judge+leniency+repeat+crook+advised/10302566/story.html .

Reading these articles kind of makes me wonder again on why when it comes to more mainstream media there aren’t any investigations it seems to document a case from beginning, middle and end in terms of the process. It seems like most of the stories like these are commented on after the fact that everything happens which means nothing will really get fixed as the majority of the public has no real clue as to why it takes so long in the first place.

Example, we always see consumer reporters who do full investigations about companies and how they operate. So why are the media afraid to do the same in these cases? Now obviously you can’t just make up a case to go through the BC legal system to investigate, but I am sure there are plenty of documentation like in my example on just how broken it is.

It is nice to read articles like these though to highlight the points. I like the final quote that Ian Mulgrew wrote at the end of the first article stating “How about the right to a fair, efficient and timely legal system?” Again though, I wonder if reporters like himself will ever take experiences like mine and do a full exposé where all the documentation is there to highlight why it takes so long.

At this point, as a regular citizen I would just assume the reason is there are too many cases to process. While that may be true, it doesn’t show the way cases are being handled and how some people in the system are completely unaccountable in any fashion. Hence, things stay the same.