Tag Archives: mitch selman

Victims of Ecowest Renovations Story And Media Law

I saw on the news today about a story in regards to a company formerly known as Ecowest Renovations. From what I heard from Global News BC the company had filed for bankruptcy which left a lot of customers with incomplete work. Ultimately, making them lose a lot of money. Apparently since then the owner of the company named Sean Camp has opened up a new company called Truridge Exteriors.

Now a lot of people have banded together it seems in the form of social media in an attempt to share their experiences about the company. From what I see there are two Facebook groups called Eco west victims which you can visit at https://www.facebook.com/ecowestvictims and Truridge Exteriors – The Truth which you can see at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Truridge-Exteriors-The-Truth/280447445485375

The part that stuck out to me was how in the report it states that apparently at least two people that are part of the group, named Mitch Selman and Amanda Dougan, are being threatened with lawsuits if they don’t take the page down. In the news report though it seemed like they were staying firm regardless of these threats.

I don’t know all the details of course, but it was inspiring to hear that other people try to use social media in these scenarios as well. The legal system is one reason that holds me back from fully being able to tell my story for example which in many ways is silly. Although, my scenario is a little different where because it went through a court case I can share all of the documents and what was said in court. However, to my knowledge I am still gagged from discussing about the inner workings which is a pain.

Like for this story, as an outsider I would be highly interested in hearing the facts in an openly public manner. None of this potential intimidation by lawyers or the cost of the court system that can potentially stop people from uncovering the truth. Kudos to you guys for trying to get your story out there and hopefully one way or another all the facts will be thrown out for the public to make an informed and factual decision on the matter.